Friday, June 5, 2020

Covid-19 - Stress Management and Burnout Prevention

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Corona virus disease pandemic (Covid-19) and India, to date, is one of the countries most affected by the Sars-Cov2 virus.

Among the professional categories, health workers, in particular, are identifiable as the workers at greatest risk of exposure to the virus and their commitment at the forefront in the management of the health emergency involves an increasing operational and emotional overload.

The emergency situation exposes health personnel to a series of specific risk factors related to the care of the infected patient, but also to substantial changes in work with regard to organizational, relational and safety aspects, which contribute to the growth of psycho-physical stress.

The prolongation over time of the health emergency can lead to an increase in pressure and fear and lead to a chronicity of work-related stress, which, if prolonged over time and accompanied by high intensity, can cause an exhaustion of psychological resources and in some cases favor the emergency of the burn-out.

It is clear and relevant, therefore, the topicality of the issue of health protection of health workers in relation to the Covid-19 emergency, more specifically with regard to mental health.

The Inail Department of Epidemiology and Occupational Hygiene and the Environment (Dimeila) and the National Council of the Order of Psychologists (Cnop) have started a collaboration, aimed at identifying the methodological tools useful for providing support to health professionals in the management of stress and the growing malaise related to the emergency.

The object of the joint initiative is the promotion of a national procedure that provides useful indications for the activation, at local level, of task forces of psychologists in healthcare structures. The aim is to promote the development of remote psychological and psychosocial support and support services in all local health companies, providing useful indications for development and operational tools.

The reference target of the services that will be activated are all the health operators who, at whatever title, they face the emergency and operate in healthcare settings where exposure to the Sars-CoV-2 virus can occur.

The documents produced under this national initiative are available. Specifically, a leaflet was developed entitled "Stress management and burn-out prevention in healthcare workers in the Covid-19 emergency" which illustrates the initiative promoted by Inail, in collaboration with the Cnop, and contains the procedural and useful tools for interventions in the area.

This document is accompanied by operational tools intended for psychological support services that will be activated in healthcare facilities. In particular:

an operational document that summarizes the salient steps of this procedure;
a psychological triage card, a useful tool for conducting psychological interviews and for monitoring over time;
a support guide to filling in the triage form.